Grade K
Craft and Structure |
7. With prompting and support, describe
the relationship between illustrations and
the story in which they appear (e.g., what
moment in a story an illustration depicts).
Grade 1
CC RL 1-7
Craft and Structure |
7. Use illustrations and details in a story to
describe its characters, setting, or events.
Grade 2
CC RL 2-7
Craft and Structure |
7. Use information gained from the illustrations and
words in a print or digital text to demonstrate
understanding of its characters, setting, or plot.
Grade 3
CC RL 3-7
Craft and Structure |
7. Explain how specific aspects of a text’s
illustrations contribute to what is conveyed
by the words in a story (e.g., create mood,
emphasize aspects of a character or setting).
Grade 4
CC RL 4-7
Craft and Structure |
7. Make connections between the text of a story or
drama and a visual or oral presentation of the text,
identifying where each version reflects specific
descriptions and directions in the text.
Grade 5
CC RL 5-7
Craft and Structure |
7. Analyze how visual and multimedia elements
contribute to the meaning, tone, or beauty
of a text (e.g., graphic novel, multimedia
presentation of fiction, folktale, myth, poem)
Teach |
Practice |

pede Word Matching
Assess |