Grade K
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas |
8. With prompting and support, identify the reasons
an author gives to support points in a text.
Grade 1
CC RI 1-8
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas |
8. Identify the reasons an author gives to
support points in a text.
Grade 2
CC RI 2-8
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas |
8. Describe how reasons support specific points the
author makes in a text.
Grade 3
CC RI 3-8
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas |
8. Describe the logical connection between
particular sentences and paragraphs in a text
(e.g., comparison, cause/effect, first/second/
third in a sequence).
Grade 4
CC RI 4-8
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas |
8. Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence
to support particular points in a text.
Teach |

zing Language
Practice |
Assess |
Grade 5
CC RI 5-8
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas |
8. Explain how an author uses reasons and
evidence to support particular points in a text,
identifying which reasons and evidence support
which point(s).