Grade K
CC RI K-3 Key Ideas and Details |
3. With prompting and support, describe the
connection between two individuals, events,
ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
Grade 1
CC RI 1-3 Key Ideas and Details |
3. Describe the connection between two
individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of
information in a text.
Grade 2
CC RI 2-3 Key Ideas and Details |
3. Describe the connection between a series of
historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or
steps in technical procedures in a text.
Grade 3
CC RI 3-3 Key Ideas and Details |
3. Describe the relationship between a series of
historical events, scientific ideas or concepts,
or steps in technical procedures in a text,
using language that pertains to time,
sequence, and cause/effect.
Grade 4
CC RI 4-3 Key Ideas and Details |
3. Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in
a historical, scientific, or technical text, including
what happened and why, based on specific
information in the text.
Grade 5
CC RI 5-3 Key Ideas and Details |
3. Explain the relationships or interactions between
two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts
in a historical, scientific, or technical text based
on specific information in the text.