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                        Grade 3




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   3 Writing, Listening and Speaking

 Grade 3

Writing Applications (Genres)

2.1 Write narratives:
a. Provide a context within which an action takes place.
b. Include well-chosen details to develop the plot.
c. Provide insight into why the selected incident is memorable.

Teach Practice Assess

Circle Plot Diagram


2.2  Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details to present and support unified
impressions of people, places, things, or experiences.

Teach Practice Assess

Story Map



2.3  Write information reports:
a. Frame a central question about an issue or situation.
b. Include facts and details for focus.
c. Draw from more than one source of information (e.g., speakers, books, newspapers,
other media sources).

Teach Practice Assess


2.4 Write information reports:
a. Frame a central question about an issue or situation.
b. Include facts and details for focus.
c. Draw from more than one source of information (e.g., speakers, books, newspapers,
other media sources).


Teach Practice Assess


Grade 3

Writing Strategies

blueprints 14%


1.11  Create a single paragraph:

a. Develop a topic sentence.
b. Include simple supporting facts and details.

Penmanship and Word Processing

1.22 Write legibly in cursive or joined italic, allowing margins and correct spacing between
letters in a word and words in a sentence.
Teach Practice Assess


1.43 Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical progression of ideas by using an established rubric.

Teach Practice Assess
1.2 1  identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and identify and use pronouns, adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking.
Teach Practice Assess

Apple Catch


1.3 1 Identify and use past, present, and future verb tenses properly in writing and speaking.

Teach Practice Assess

1.42 Iidentify and use subjects and verbs correctly in speaking and writing simple sentences

Teach Practice Assess

Verb Power

Grade 3


Sentences and Phrases

1.11  Understand and be able to use complete and correct delaritive, iterrogative, imperitive, and exclaimatory sentences in writing and speaking.

Parts of Speech

1.2.1  Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and identify and use pronounds, adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking,

Teach Practice Assess

Apple Catch


1.3.1  Identify and use past, present, and future verb tenses properly in writing and speaking.

Teach Practice Assess

1.4.2  Identify and use subjects and verbs correctly in speaking and writing simple sentences.

Teach Practice Assess

Verb Power


1.5  Organize ideas chronologically or around major points of information.

1.6  Provide a beginning, a middle, and an end, including concrete details that develop a central idea.


Capitals and Punctuation

1.52  Punctuate dates, city, and state, and titles of books correctly

Teach Practice Assess
  Punctuate the Text Add Starts and Stops
  The Sentence Grammar Blast


1.6 1   Use commas in dates, locations, and addresses and for items in a series.
Teach Practice Assess
    Super Challenge Grammar Blast

1.7 2 Capitalize geographical names, holidays, historical periods, and special events correctly .

Teach Practice Assess
  Grammar Blast Capitalization and Punctuation  



1.8 2    Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns (e.g., qu, consonant doubling, changing the ending of a word from y to ies when forming the plural), and common homophones (e.g., hair-hare)

Grade 3

Listening Strategies

1.1 Determine the purpose or purposes of listening (e.g., to obtain information, to solve
problems, for enjoyment).

Teach Practice Assess

1.2 Ask for clarification and explanation of stories and ideas..

Teach Practice Assess

1.3 Paraphrase information that has been shared orally by others.

Teach Practice Assess

1.4 Give and follow three- and four-step oral directions.

Teach Practice Assess

Organization and delivery of oral communication

1.5 Organize presentations to maintain a clear focus.

Teach Practice Assess

1.6Speak clearly and at an appropriate pace for the type of communication (e.g., informal discussion, report to class).

Teach Practice Assess


1.8 Retell stories, including characters, setting, and plot.

Teach Practice Assess

.9Report on a topic with supportive facts and details.

Teach Practice Assess



Grade 3

Speaking Applications

2.1 Recount experiences or present stories:
a. Move through a logical sequence of events.
b. Describe story elements (e.g., characters, plot, setting).

Teach Practice Assess


2.2 Recite short poems, rhymes, and songs.

Teach Practice Assess