Spang Gang Target Icons

K-6  Standards Based Intensive Intervention


  K-6 Writing, Listening and Speaking

K-6 Keys

Building skills

Grade by  Grade

to Level UP

Listening Strategies

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Grade Level Survivor

Standards- Based support

The Spang Gang Web Program


Designed to raise student achievement through riveting engagement and consistent practice!

"Old School"  Subject Pacers


and GrapherZ



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Meet Mrs. Spang

  Information Delivery   = rated most targeted to standard and highest interest to children

* STAR aligned by # of problem grades 3-6

Grade K
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6

Information Delivery


1.2 Share information and ideas, speaking audibly in complete, coherent sentences.

Teach Practice Assess

Information Delivery


1.4Stay on the topic when speaking.

Teach Practice Assess

Information Delivery


1.1 Determine the purpose or purposes of listening (e.g., to obtain information, to solve
problems, for enjoyment).


Teach Practice Assess

Information Delivery


1.6Speak clearly and at an appropriate pace for the type of communication (e.g., informal discussion, report to class).

Teach Practice Assess

Information Delivery

1.9 Report on a topic with supportive facts and details.

Teach Practice Assess

Information Delivery


1.8   Clarify and enhance oral presentations through the use of appropriate props (e.g., objects, pictures, charts).

Teach Practice Assess

1.9 Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read.

Teach Practice Assess



Information Delivery


1.9 Use volume, pitch, phrasing, pace, modulation, and gestures appropriately to enhance meaning.

Teach Practice Assess


Information Delivery


1.6Engage the audience with appropriate verbal cues, facial expressions, and gestures.

Teach Practice Assess



Information Delivery


1.6Support opinions with detailed evidence and with visual or media displays that use appropriate technology.

Teach Practice Assess

1.7  Use effective rate, volume, pitch, and tone and align nonverbal elements to sustain audience interest and attention.

Teach Practice Assess