
Vocabulary and Concept Development

Key Standard
1.2 8 Apply knowledge of word origins, derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and idioms to
determine the meaning of words and phrases.

Key Standard
1.6 5 Distinguish and interpret words with multiple meanings.

Writing Strategies


Key Standard
1.3 4 Use traditional structures for conveying information (e.g., chronological order, cause and effect, similarity and difference, posing and answering a question).
Written and Oral

Capitals and Punctuation

Key Standard
1.34 Use a colon to separate hours and minutes and to introduce a list; use quotation marks around the exact words of a speaker and titles of poems, songs, short stories, and so

Key Standard
1.7 4 Use various reference materials (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, card catalog, encyclopedia,
online information) as an aid to writing.