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                        Grade 3




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3 Math

Grade 3
Grade 3
Grade 3
Grade 3
Grade 3
Grade 3

Blue Print 32 (49%)


Key Standard

1.1.5 Count, read, and write whole numbers to 10,000.

Teach Practice Assess
  Place Value Intro Movie  
  Elab Place Value to 100,000  




compare and rank


1.3 1   Compare and order whole numbers to 10,000.

Teach Practice Assess
  Comparing Numbers  


2.0 Students calculate

and solve problems

involving addition,


multiplication, and division:

2.1  Find the sum or difference of two whole numbers between 0 and 10,000.



2.2n/a  Memorize to automaticity

the multiplication table for numbers between 1 and 10

Teach Practice Assess
By Number Family    
Bridge Doubles Robin 10 or more Doubles Spooky sequences to 100
Fairy 2's counting Fishy counting Bug Match
School Tube X2 Robin Doubles type in x2
  Connect the Dots Quiz
3 rap counting by 3's Spooky sequences to 100
3's salsa Connect the Dots Quiz
Fairy Fog 3's Counting by 3's game Bug Match
  Skip counting  
4's with Chewy Skip Counting  
  More Skip counting  
wake up to 5's    
Sixes with dominoes    
7 rap    
8 rap    
School House Rock Figure 8    
The 9 Pattern    
U pick the family    
Fact Family Lesson

Fill in mult



Table Test


Counting Game


by number Family


by number family


Gym Drums






Pick a Number See a


Baloon Invaders A plus Math
How to use a Mult chart Tables Tester easier and harder  
Resource Room Practice and Quiz  



Matching Pairs Tables Mountain
Groups of Dogs  



  Fruit Shoot Mult
  Super Sequencer Table Mountain
Multiflyer - hit skip Count by test  
Mult using base ten blocks    
Honorpoint Honorpoint Honorpoint
0-5 Facts Mixed Practice





  That's a Fact  
0-9 Facts Mixed Practice
That's a Fact Dice Connect 2 play Mult Matho
Mult 4,5,6
Who Wants to be a Math onaire Stun Attack Mult
Space Time Arcade Matching Mult
Wipe Out Color Creations Holiday Practice
  Mult mystery picture


check 1-10 2x3

  Moles Mult Bridge
  Mult.com Dude's Dilemma

That's a


  Mult Baseball Two min warning
  Meteor Mult Math Slice
  Baloon Pop - rank in order Table Times
  Sum Sense
  Tractor Tug Meteor Mult
  Math Invaders My Myers- Just like the classroom



Number Sense


inverse operations

2,3 Use the inverse relationship of multiplication and division to compute and check results.



2.5 1  Solve division problems in which a multidigit number is evenly divided by a one-digit number (135 ÷ 5 = __).



2.61  Understand the special properties of 0 and 1 in multiplication and division.

Teach Practice Assess





2.7 Determine the unit cost when given the total cost and number of units.

Teach Practice Assess

2.8   Solve problems that require two or more of the skills mentioned above.

Teach Practice Assess

Decimals, Fractions and Percents



3.0  Students understand

the relationship between

whole numbers, simple

fractions, and decimals:

3.11  Compare fractions represented by drawings or concrete materials to show equivalency and to add and subtract simple fractions in context (e.g., ½ of a pizza is the same amount as 2/4 of another pizza that is the same size; show that 3/8 is larger than ¼).


3.2  Add and subtract simple fractions (e.g., determine that 1/8 + 3/8 is the same as ½


3.3  Solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multi-

plication, and division of money amounts in decimal notation and multiply and divide money amounts in decimal notation by using whole-number multipliers and divisors.


Teach Practice Assess


3.1   Know and understand that fractions and decimals are two different representations of the same concept (e.g., 50 cents is ½ of a dollar, 75 cents is ¾ of a dollar).

Teach Practice Assess

\Blue Prints 12 (18%)

Solving Equations


Key Standard

1.1.4 Represent relationships of quantities in the form of mathematical expressions, equations, or inequalities.

Teach Practice Assess
  Let's Compare Money Farm Stand

Great Equations

Genius Boxing



1.2.1  Solve problems involving numeric equations or inequalities.

Teach Practice Assess
Creating equalities    


1.3 1   Select appropriate operational and relational symbols to make an expression true (e.g., if 4 __ 3 = 12, what operational symbol goes in the blank?).

Teach Practice Assess


1.4 1   Express simple unit conversions in symbolic form (e.g., __ inches = __ feet × 12).

Teach Practice Assess
Alien Cookbook Cup Capacity  



1.51   Recognize and use the commutative and associative properties of multiplication (e.g., if 5 × 7 = 35, then what is 7 × 5? and if 5 × 7 × 3 = 105, then what is 7 × 3 × 5?).

Teach Practice Assess

2.0 Students represent simple functional relationships:

2.13  Solve simple problems involving a functional relationship between two quantities (e.g., find the total cost of multiple items given the cost per unit).

Teach Practice Assess
    Farm Stand


2.21  Extend and recognize a linear pattern by its rules (e.g., the number of legs on a given number of horses may be calculated by counting by 4s or by multiplying the number of horses by 4).

Teach Practice Assess
    Farm Stand



Blue Print 16 25%


1.1  Choose the appopriate tools and units (metric and US.)  and estimate and measure the length, liquid volume and weight/mass of a given volume.


1.2 3 Estimate or determine the area and volume of solid figures by covering them with squares or by counting the number of cubes that would fill them.

1.33 Find the perimeter of a polygon with integer sides.


1.41 Carry out simple unit conversions within a system of measurement (e.g., centimeters
and meters, hours and minutes).


2.12 Identify, describe, and classify polygons (including pentagons, hexagons, and octagons).

Teach Practice Assess
  AAA Math sides and angles Name that Polygon



2.22 Identify attributes of triangles (e.g., two equal sides for the isosceles triangle, three equal sides for the equilateral triangle, right angle for the right triangle).

Teach Practice Assess


2.3.2  Identify attributes of quadralateras (e.g. parallel sides for the parallelogram, right angles for the rectangle, equal sides and right angles for the square).


Teach Practice Assess


2.42/3Identify right angles in geometric figures or in appropriate objects and determine whether other angles are greater or less than a right angle.

Teach Practice Assess
  Toon Comet  


2.52/3 Identify, describe, and classify common three-dimensional geometric objects (e.g., cube, rectangular solid, sphere, prism, pyramid, cone, cylinder).

Teach Practice Assess
  Calamity's Quest Explore the Earth
    Terms Solids and Shapes


2.62/3  Identify common solid objects that are the components needed to make a more complex solid object..

Teach Practice Assess



\Blue Print 12 (18%)



Key Standard


1.1.4 Identify whether common events are certain, likely, unlikely, or improbable.

Teach Practice Assess
BBC charting    

1.2.1 Record the possible outcomes for a simple event (e.g., tossing a coin) and systematically keep track of the outcomes when the event is repeated many times.


Teach Practice Assess
BBc finding prob. Test Prob. with adjusting spinner  
Mrs. Glossier Random Marbles  


1.3 1  Summarize and display the results of probability experiments in a clear and organized way (e.g., use a bar graph or a line plot).

Teach Practice Assess


1.4 1  Use the results of probability experiments to predict future events (e.g., use a line plot to predict the temperature forecast for the next day).

Teach Practice Assess



Math Reasoning


1.1. Analyze problems by identifying relationships, distinguishing relevant from irrelevant
information, sequencing and prioritizing information, and observing patterns.

Teach Practice Assess


1.2.Determine when and how to break a problem into simpler parts.

Teach Practice Assess

2.0  Students use strategies, skills, and concepts in finding solutions:

2.1 Use estimation to verify the reasonableness of calculated results.

Teach Practice Assess


.2.2  Apply strategies and results from simpler problems to more complex problems.

Teach Practice Assess


2.3 Use a variety of methods, such as words, numbers, symbols, charts, graphs, tables,
diagrams, and models, to explain mathematical reasoning.

Teach Practice Assess


.2.4 Express the solution clearly and logically by using the appropriate mathematical
notation and terms and clear language; support solutions with evidence in both
verbal and symbolic work.

Teach Practice Assess


2.5  Indicate the relative advantages of exact and approximate solutions to problems
and give answers to a specified degree of accuracy.

Teach Practice Assess


.2.6 Make precise calculations and check the validity of the results from the context of
the problem.

Teach Practice Assess

3.0  Students move beyond a particular problem by generalizing to other situations:

3.1  Evaluate the reasonableness of the solution in the context of the original situation.

Teach Practice Assess


3.2 Note the method of deriving the solution and demonstrate a conceptual understanding
of the derivation by solving similar problems.

Teach Practice Assess


3.3  Develop generalizations of the results obtained and apply them in other circumstances.

Teach Practice Assess





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