Spang Gang Target Icons

K-6  Standards Based Intensive Intervention

K-6 Reading


K-6 Keys

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"Old School"  Subject Pacers



and GrapherZ


    Literary Response

Grade  K
Grade 1Grade  1
Grade  2
Grade  3
Grade  4
Grade  5
Grade  6

3.1 Distinguish fantasy from realistic text.


3.2  Identify types of everyday print materials (e.g., storybooks, poems, newspapers,
signs, labels).

Teach Practice Assess

3.3   Identify characters, settings, and important events.

Teach Practice Assess




3.1 Identify and describe the elements of plot, setting, and character(s) in a story, as well as the story’s beginning, middle, and ending.

Teach Practice Assess

3.2   Describe the role of authors and illustrators and their contributions to print materials.

Teach Practice Assess

3.3   Recollect, talk, and write about books read during the school year.

Teach Practice Assess

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3.1 2  Compare and contrast plots, settings, and characters presented by different authors.

Teach Practice Assess

3.2 1   Generate alternative endings to plots and identify the reason or reasons for, and the impact of, the alternatives.

Teach Practice Assess

3.31  Compare and contrast different versions of the same stories that reflect different cultures.

Teach Practice Assess


3.4 2 Define figurative language (e.g., simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification) and
identify its use in literary works.

Teach Practice Assess

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3.1 1  Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, drama, fiction, nonfiction).

Teach Practice Assess

3.2 2  Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from
around the world.

Teach Practice Assess

3.32  Determine what characters are like by what they say or do and by how the author or illustrator portrays them.

Teach Practice Assess

Bernstein Bears



3.4 1 Compare and contrast tales from different cultures by tracing the exploits of one character
type and develop theories to account for similar tales in diverse cultures (e.g., trickster

Teach Practice Assess

3.51  Recognize the similarities of sounds in words and rhythmic patterns (e.g., alliteration,
onomatopoeia) in a selection.

Teach Practice Assess
  Wizards and Pigs  


3.6 1 Identify the speaker or narrator in a selection.

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3.1 1  Describe the structural differences of various imaginative forms of literature, including
fantasies, fables, myths, legends, and fairy tales.

Teach Practice Assess

3.2 2  Identify the main events of the plot, their causes, and the influence of each event onfuture actions.

Teach Practice Assess

3.31  Use knowledge of the situation and setting and of a character’s traits and motivations to
determine the causes for that character’s actions.

Teach Practice Assess


3.4 2   Clarify an understanding of texts by creating outlines, logical notes, summaries, or reports.

Teach Practice Assess

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3.1 1  Identify the analyze the characteristics of poetry, drama, fiction and nonfiction, and explain the appropriateness of the literary forms chosen by the author for a specific purpose.

Teach Practice Assess

3.2 2   Identify the main problem or conflict of the plot and explain how it is resolved.

Teach Practice Assess

3.32  Contrast the actions, motives (e.g., loyalty, selfishness, conscientiousness), and appearances
of characters in a work of fiction and discuss the importance of the contrasts to the plot or theme.

Teach Practice Assess


3.4 2  Contrast the actions, motives (e.g., loyalty, selfishness, conscientiousness), and appearances
of characters in a work of fiction and discuss the importance of the contrasts to the
plot or theme.

Teach Practice Assess

3.52  Describe the function and effect of common literary devices (e.g., imagery, metaphor,

Teach Practice Assess


3.6 2  Evaluate the meaning of archetypal patterns and symbols that are found in myth and tradition by using literature from different eras and cultures.

Teach Practice Assess

3.7 2   Evaluate the author’s use of various techniques (e.g., appeal of characters in a picture book, logic and credibility of plots and settings, use of figurative language) to influence
readers’ perspectives.

Teach Practice Assess

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3.1 1  Identify the forms of fiction and describe the major characteristics of each form.

Teach Practice Assess

3.2 2  Analyze the effect of the qualities of the character (e.g., courage or cowardice, ambition
or laziness) on the plot and the resolution of the conflict.

Teach Practice Assess

3.31  Analyze the influence of setting on the problem and its resolution.

Teach Practice Assess


3.4 3  Define how tone or meaning is conveyed in poetry through word choice, figurative
language, sentence structure, line length, punctuation, rhythm, repetition, and rhyme.

Teach Practice Assess


3.5 1  Identify the speaker and recognize the difference between first- and third-person narration
(e.g., autobiography compared with biography).

Teach Practice Assess


3.6 1   Identify and analyze features of themes conveyed through characters, actions, and images.

Teach Practice Assess


3.7 2  Explain the effects of common literary devices (e.g., symbolism, imagery, metaphor) in a
variety of fictional and nonfictional texts.

Teach Practice Assess


3.8 1  Critique the credibility of characterization and the degree to which a plot is contrived or
realistic (e.g., compare use of fact and fantasy in historical fiction).

Teach Practice Assess