1.1 1.1 Identify, sort, and classify objects by attribute and identify objects that do not belong to a particular group (e.g., all these balls are green, those are red).
1.2 Identify, describe, and extend simple patterns (such as circles or triangles) by referring to their shapes, sizes, or colors.

2.0 Students sort objects and create and describe patterns by numbers, shapes, sizes, rhythms, or colors:
2.1 Describe, extend, and explain ways to get to a next element in simple repeating
patterns (e.g., rhythmic, numeric, color, and shape)..


Key Standard
1.14 Use the commutative and associative rules to simplify mental calculations and to check results.


Key Standard
1.14 Use the commutative and associative rules to simplify mental calculations and to check results.

1.51 Recognize and use the commutative and associative properties of multiplication (e.g., if 5 × 7 = 35, then what is 7 × 5? and if 5 × 7 × 3 = 105, then what is 7 × 3 × 5?).
2.0 Students represent simple functional relationships:
2.13 Solve simple problems involving a functional relationship between two quantities (e.g., find the total cost of multiple items given the cost per unit).
2.21 Extend and recognize a linear pattern by its rules (e.g., the number of legs on a given number of horses may be calculated by counting by 4s or by multiplying the number of horses by 4).

1.31Know and use the distributive property in equations and expressions with variables.

1.31 Apply algebraic order of operations and the commutative, associative, and distributive
properties to evaluate expressions; and justify each step in the process.