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 4 Reading

Grade 4


Vocabulary and Concept Development

Key Standard

1.2 8   Apply knowledge of word origins, derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and idioms todetermine the meaning of words and phrases.


1.3 3   Use knowledge of root words to determine the meaning of unknown words within a passage.


1.4 1   Know common roots and affixes derived from Greek and Latin and use this knowledge
to analyze the meaning of complex words (e.g., international).


Teach Practice Assess

Race to Ramses


Go for the  Gold



1.5 1  Use a thesaurus to determine related words and concepts.


Teach Practice Assess

Key Standard

1.6 5   Distinguish and interpret words with multiple meanings.

Teach Practice Assess

Fairground Spells


Awesome Analagies

Print Outs    

Multiple Meanings

Grade 4

Reading Comprehension

Blueprints 15 20%


2.1.1  Identify structural patterns found in informational text (e.g., compare and contrast, cause
and effect, sequential or chronological order, proposition and support) to strengthen


2.2n/a  Use appropriate strategies when reading for different purposes (e.g., full comprehension, location of information, personal enjoyment)..


Teach Practice Assess


2.3 2  Make and confirm predictions about text by using prior knowledge and ideas presented in the text itself, including illustrations, titles, topic sentences, important words, and
foreshadowing clues.


Reading Comprehension




2.4 3  Evaluate new information and hypotheses by testing them against known information
and ideas.

Teach Practice Assess

Destination Impossible


Looking for the Fine Print


2.53  Compare and contrast information on the same topic after reading several passages or

Teach Practice Assess

Comp Upgrade- skip intro and click


What's the Big Idea?


2.63   Distinguish between cause and effect and between fact and opinion in expository text.

Teach Practice Assess

Binkey's Facts and Opinions

Fact, Opinion or habit quiz


2.73  Follow multiple-step instructions in a basic technical manual (e.g., how to use computer
commands or video games).

Teach Practice Assess

Looking for the Fine Print



Grade 4



blueprint 12%

3.1 1  Describe the structural differences of various imaginative forms of literature, including
fantasies, fables, myths, legends, and fairy tales.

Teach Practice Assess

3.2 2  Identify the main events of the plot, their causes, and the influence of each event onfuture actions.

Teach Practice Assess

3.31  Use knowledge of the situation and setting and of a character’s traits and motivations to
determine the causes for that character’s actions.

Teach Practice Assess


3.4 2   Clarify an understanding of texts by creating outlines, logical notes, summaries, or reports.

Teach Practice Assess