Grade 1

Formal Narrative
2.1 Write brief narratives (e.g., fictional, autobiographical) describing an experience.
2.2 Write brief expository descriptions of a real object, person, place, or event, using sensory
Grade 2

Formal Narrative
2.1 Write narratives:
a. Provide a context within which an action takes place.
b. Include well-chosen details to develop the plot.
c. Provide insight into why the selected incident is memorable.
2.2 Write a friendly letter complete with the date, salutation, body, closing, and signature.
Grade 3

Formal Narrative
2.1 Write narratives:
a. Provide a context within which an action takes place.
b. Include well-chosen details to develop the plot.
c. Provide insight into why the selected incident is memorable.
2.2 Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details to present and support unified
impressions of people, places, things, or experiences.

2.3 Write information reports:
a. Frame a central question about an issue or situation.
b. Include facts and details for focus.
c. Draw from more than one source of information (e.g., speakers, books, newspapers,
other media sources).
2.4 Write information reports:
a. Frame a central question about an issue or situation.
b. Include facts and details for focus.
c. Draw from more than one source of information (e.g., speakers, books, newspapers,
other media sources).
Grade 4

Formal Narrative
2.1 Write narratives:
a. Relate ideas, observations, or recollections of an event or experience.
b. Provide a context to enable the reader to imagine the world of the event or experience.
c. Use concrete sensory details.
d. Provide insight into why the selected event or experience is memorable.

Lit Response
2.2 Write responses to literature:
a. Demonstrate an understanding of the literary work.
b. Support judgments through references to both the text and prior knowledge.

2.3 Use traditional structures for conveying information (e.g., chronological order, cause and effect, similarity and difference, posing and answering a question).

1.6 2 Locate information in reference texts by using organizational features (e.g., prefaces,
1.7 4 Use various reference materials (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, card catalog, encyclopedia,
online information) as an aid to writing.

2.3 Write information reports:
a. Frame a central question about an issue or situation.
b. Include facts and details for focus.
c. Draw from more than one source of information (e.g., speakers, books, newspapers,
other media sources).
2.4 Write information reports:
a. Frame a central question about an issue or situation.
b. Include facts and details for focus.
c. Draw from more than one source of information (e.g., speakers, books, newspapers,
other media sources).
Research and Technology
1.5 Quote or paraphrase information sources, citing them appropriately.
1.6 Locate information in reference texts by using organizational features (e.g., prefaces,
1.7 Use various reference materials (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, card catalog, encyclopedia,
online information) as an aid to writing.
3.8 Understand the organization of almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals and how to use
those print materials.

Penmanship and Word Processing
3.9 Demonstrate basic keyboarding skills and familiarity with computer terminology
(e.g., cursor, software, memory, disk drive, hard drive).
Evaluation and Revision
3.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to improve coherence and progression by adding, deleting,
consolidating, and rearranging text.
Grade 5

Formal Narrative
2.1 Write narratives:
a. Establish a plot, point of view, setting, and conflict.
b. Show, rather than tell, the events of the story..

Formal Narrative
2.4 Write persuasive letters or compositions:
a. State a clear position in support of a proposal.
b. Support a position with relevant evidence.
c. Follow a simple organizational pattern.
d. Address reader concerns.

Lit Response
2.2 Write responses to literature:
a. Demonstrate an understanding of a literary work.
b. Support judgments through references to the text and to prior knowledge.
c. Develop interpretations that exhibit careful reading and understanding.

2.3 Write research reports about important ideas, issues, or events by using the following
a. Frame questions that direct the investigation.
b. Establish a controlling idea or topic.
c. Develop the topic with simple facts, details, examples, and explanations.

Formal Narrative
2.4 Write persuasive letters or compositions:
a. State a clear position in support of a proposal.
b. Support a position with relevant evidence.
c. Follow a simple organizational pattern.
d. Address reader concerns.
Grade 6

Formal Narrative
2.1 Write narratives:
a. Establish and develop a plot and setting and present a point of view that is appropriate
to the stories.
b. Include sensory details and concrete language to develop plot and character.
c. Use a range of narrative devices (e.g., dialogue, suspense).
2.2 Write expository compositions (e.g., description, explanation, comparison and contrast,
problem and solution):
a. State the thesis or purpose.
b. Explain the situation.
c. Follow an organizational pattern appropriate to the type of composition.
d. Offer persuasive evidence to validate arguments and conclusions as needed.

2.3 Write research reports:
a. Pose relevant questions with a scope narrow enough to be thoroughly covered.
b. Support the main idea or ideas with facts, details, examples, and explanations from
multiple authoritative sources (e.g., speakers, periodicals, online information
c. Include a bibliography.

Lit Response
2.4 Write responses to literature:
a. Develop an interpretation exhibiting careful reading, understanding, and insight.
b. Organize the interpretation around several clear ideas, premises, or images.
c. Develop and justify the interpretation through sustained use of examples and textual

Penmanship and Word Processing
2.5 Compose documents with appropriate formatting by using word-processing skills and
principles of design (e.g., margins, tabs, spacing, columns, page orientation).

2.6 Write persuasive compositions:
a. State a clear position on a proposition or proposal.
b. Support the position with organized and relevant evidence.
c. Anticipate and address reader concerns and counterarguments