Spang Gang Target Icons

K-6  Standards Based Intensive Intervention


K-6 Keys

Building skills

Grade by  Grade

to Level UP

Writing Applications

Students, Parents and Teachers:  Pick one of the categories:


Formal Narrative Writing


Lit Response

Penmanship and Word Processing






Grade Level Survivor

Standards- Based support

The Spang Gang

Web Program


Designed to raise student achievement through riveting engagement and consistent practice!

"Old School"  Subject Pacers



and GrapherZ


  References   = rated most targeted to standard and highest interest to children

* STAR aligned by # of problem grades 3-6

 Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6




2.3  Write information reports:
a. Frame a central question about an issue or situation.
b. Include facts and details for focus.
c. Draw from more than one source of information (e.g., speakers, books, newspapers,
other media sources).

Teach Practice Assess


2.4 Write information reports:
a. Frame a central question about an issue or situation.
b. Include facts and details for focus.
c. Draw from more than one source of information (e.g., speakers, books, newspapers,
other media sources).


Teach Practice Assess





1.6 2  Locate information in reference texts by using organizational features (e.g., prefaces,


Teach Practice Assess


1.7 4  Use various reference materials (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, card catalog, encyclopedia,
online information) as an aid to writing.


Teach Practice Assess





2.3  Write information reports:
a. Frame a central question about an issue or situation.
b. Include facts and details for focus.
c. Draw from more than one source of information (e.g., speakers, books, newspapers,
other media sources).

Teach Practice Assess


2.4 Write information reports:
a. Frame a central question about an issue or situation.
b. Include facts and details for focus.
c. Draw from more than one source of information (e.g., speakers, books, newspapers,
other media sources).

Teach Practice Assess

Research and Technology

1.5  Quote or paraphrase information sources, citing them appropriately.

Teach Practice Assess


1.6 Locate information in reference texts by using organizational features (e.g., prefaces,

Teach Practice Assess


1.7 Use various reference materials (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, card catalog, encyclopedia,
online information) as an aid to writing.

Teach Practice Assess


3.8 Understand the organization of almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals and how to use
those print materials.

Teach Practice Assess







2.3 Write research reports about important ideas, issues, or events by using the following
a. Frame questions that direct the investigation.
b. Establish a controlling idea or topic.
c. Develop the topic with simple facts, details, examples, and explanations.


Teach Practice Assess




2.3 Write research reports:
a. Pose relevant questions with a scope narrow enough to be thoroughly covered.
b. Support the main idea or ideas with facts, details, examples, and explanations from
multiple authoritative sources (e.g., speakers, periodicals, online information
c. Include a bibliography.
Teach Practice Assess



2.6 Write persuasive compositions:
a. State a clear position on a proposition or proposal.
b. Support the position with organized and relevant evidence.
c. Anticipate and address reader concerns and counterarguments


Teach Practice Assess