gr 3 Survivor for Parents and Teachers
The Spang Gang Web Program

Math Activities




Spang Gang Workshop

Learn how to get on the program from any computer, what to do if programs don't work and how to use the program to supplement in class assignments.   Students will also free play through areas that align with current class instruction.

Number Sense

BBC- Bitesize Numeracy <---play all games, all levels

Students explore through games that review the basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, number ordering, number sequencing, place value, money, length and weight, and telling time.

Standards:  all essential math standards 1-3.

Rainforest Math <---click grade 3 to play

Students play with colorful test questions in this engaging review of 3rd grade essential standards.

Standards: all essential math at grade 3.

Mend the Number Square   <-click

Students slide numbers onto a number square

Standards:  Number Sense 1.1

Comparing numbers <--play

Students will rank numbers to 10,000

Standards:  Number Sense 1.2

Genius Boxing <---play

Students battle the genius' in this math reasoning, mental math game that promotes beginning algebraic concepts and expands to level 4 standard.

Standards:  Number Sense 1.2, 2.3, Algebra and Functions 1.1, Math reasoning 1.1, 3.1

Base 10 Blocks <-- play

Students divide numbers into tens and ones using blocks

The Counting Game

Currently we are practicing counting by 2's. 5's and 10's in this fast pace point collectin game!
Standards: Number Sense 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

Go-Go Carts <-- play level 2

This addresses many of K-math standards because it not only is basic counting but also involves estimating which number would be the best of 3 moves. It's adorable 2-player and it's my goal to get them to play it in the classroom and at home w/mom and dad.
Standards: Number Sense 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.0, 3.1

Eggs on Legs

Recognize how to move forward and back within a +/- number sentence

Standards:  Number Sense 2.1, 2.2, 2.3

Place Value Mats               

Each player rolls three alternate colored dice and creates a 3-digit number.  Then they say it, arrange it on place value mat, write it and use counters to represent.  The person with the highest number gets a star. 
Standards: Number sense 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, Math Reasoning 1.0, 2.0, 3.0

Hands on Center

Rounding by 10's

Students are to roll two dice to create a number.  Then they must round that number to the nearest 10.  1 point for each correct on their place value mat.

Matching Fractions

Students will put puzzles together that match visual fraction model to it's fraction.  1 Point is given for each correct.  BONUS:  Students rank 5 fractions from smallest to largest correctly, they can earn an extra 5 points.

Standard:  Number Sense 3.3.1

This can be practiced through website below:

Hands on Center

Grocery Games

Students work at their own levels (1-3) to choose grocery objects, then add totals, and make change from $1.00, $5.00, $10.00 and $20.00. 

Standard gr 3 Number Sense 2.2.8, Algebra and Functions 2.2.1

Hands on Center

Diner Deduction

The teacher becomes the customer, orders dinner from a menu, while the group becomes cashiers, responsible for adding items and making change.  A group member becomes the "supervisor" using a calculator to check work, and make sure the correct change is given.
Standards:  Number Sense 3.4, Algebra and Functions 2.0, Math Reasoning 2.6


< or >

Compare 2-digit numbers

Standards:  Number Sense 1.1.1, 1.1.2

Place Value Demo and Quiz

Students learn and practice ranking place value

Standards Number Sense 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

E-Lab Place Value to 100,000

Students drag the number to correct place value and solve for the correct answer. -1 point per correct answer.

Standards Number Sense 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

Number Top-It

Use Place Value to rank and calculate the LOWEST score.  All computer scores are tallied.

Standards Number Sense 1.2, Math Reasoning 2.2.1

Who Wants to be a Mathionaire  <---play

Win a million by practicing multiplication facts.

Standards:Number Sense 2.2


This provides practice and tests multiplication knowledge by number family.
Standards: Number Sense 2.2

Cross the Swamp

Students will manipulate addition and subtraction to sum of 100 to help the frog cross the swamp.

Standards:  Number Sense 2.0, 2.1, 2.3

The Train Game (subtraction)

Step by step regrouping practice with 2-digit by 2-digits

Standards:  Number Sense 2.2.2

The Digit Work Out

Students try to get the top score in this quick paced fact practice. 

Gr 3 - addition or subtraction of numbers to 100

Standard gr 3 Number Sense 2.2.1

Sum Sense Division

Students slide the correct digits into the division equation

Standard:  Number Sense 2.3

Fraction Monkeys  <---play

Students begin to understand equivalent fractions by hanging the monkeys in ranking order

Standards:Number Sense 3.1

Count the Money <--play

Students are given a portion of the coins necessary.  They must decide what other coins they need.

Standards:  Number Sense 3.3, 3.4 Mathmatical Reasoning 1.2

Statistics, Data Analysis and Probability

Check Out Cookie:  Early Patterning

Students help Cookie Monster find the missing object in the pattern.

Standards:  Statistics, Data Analysis and Probability 1.2  

Create a Graph Competition

30 min competition- no rotation

Students create a bar graph out of chosen data. 

Standards:  Statistics and Data Analysis 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

Algebra And Functions

Grocery Games

Students work at their own levels (1-3) to choose grocery objects, then add totals, and make change from $1.00, $5.00, $10.00 and $20.00. 

 Ca$H Out

make change from 1 to 20 dollars, and identify least coins/dollars to get there.

Standard gr 3 Number Sense 2.2.8, Algebra and Functions 2.2.1

Hands on Center

Great Equations   <--- play and pass level 1

Students manipulate number sentences using inequalities.

Standards:  Algebra and Functions 1.1 and 1.2

Genius Boxing <---play

Students battle the genius' in this math reasoning, mental math game that promotes beginning algebraic concepts and expands to level 4 standard.

Standards:  Number Sense 1.2, 2.3, Algebra and Functions 1.1, Math reasoning 1.1, 3.1


Let's Compare Money  <----play

Students identify coins up to $1.00 in two columns and then compare using <,>, or =

Standards: Number Sense 1.2, 3.4, Algebra and Functions 1.1


Farm Stand  <---play

Students use simple multiplication and unit price to determine the total cost of multiple items

Standards:  Algebra and Functions 2.1


Diner Deduction

The teacher becomes the customer, orders dinner from a menu, while the group becomes cashiers, responsible for adding items and making change.  A group member becomes the "supervisor" using a calculator to check work, and make sure the correct change is given.
Standards:  Number Sense 3.4, Algebra and Functions 2.0, Math Reasoning 2.6

Measurement and Geometry

Tikabilla Clock -- learn concepts such as half past and quarter to using this quickcheck tool.

Standards: Measurement and Geometry 2.1.2 

Clockwise - telling time to the minute  <--play by clicking Random and push for new time.  Level 3 is to the minute.

Students practice telling time to the minute.

Standard:  Measurement and Geometry 1.4

Elapsed Time  <---play by clicking "guess"  Levels 1-3

Students calculate the elapsed time between two clocks.

3-D Boxes

Students must calculate the volume of 3-D shapes by counting or using formula

Standards: Measurement and Geometry 1.2 

The Measure Treasure Hunt (Hands-on water table)

Estimate, experiment and use proportions to calculate measurements

(From cups to inches, students will choose the level of difficulty and discover whether estimations make sense after experimenting and calculating proportions of measurement units. 

This can be practiced through website below...

Standard: gr 3 Measurement 1.1.1

Hands on

3-D Shape Lab

students must fill in chart of edges, bases, and vertacies using Geo-solid models.

Standard:  Measurement and Geometry

Hands on

Change Maker

Students subtract to identify the correct change from $5.00.  Change must be given in correct dollar and coin increments.  1 point for each correct.  Website keeps score.

Standard:  gr 3 Number Sense 3.3.3, 2.5.1

Statistics, Data Analysis and Probability

Bobby Bear

Students will play with probability by discovering how many outfits Bobby can make with different combinations of shirts and pants.  Students should make connection between adding the outfits and bumtiplying the number of shirts to the number of pants to get the total number of outcomes.

Standard:  gr 3 Probability

Math Reasoning

Innovative tools

This is a hands on creative activity that allows children to create futuristic innovative tools for society.  Students may use legos, superlegos, magnet blocks, waffle and robotics to create a series of tools. 

Standard: Gr 3  Science Investigation 6d, Math Reasoning 2.3, Reading Comprehension 2.7

Gr 4 Science Investigation 6d, Math Reasoning 2.3

Hands on

Diner Deduction

The teacher becomes the customer, orders dinner from a menu, while the group becomes cashiers, responsible for adding items and making change.  A group member becomes the "supervisor" using a calculator to check work, and make sure the correct change is given.
Standards:  Number Sense 3.4, Algebra and Functions 2.0, Math Reasoning 2.6


Operation Snowman

choose the correct operation to simple word programs  and build a snowman.

Standard:  Gr 3 and Gr 4 Math Reasoning 1.0


Genius Boxing <---play

Students battle the genius' in this math reasoning, mental math game that promotes beginning algebraic concepts and expands to level 4 standard.

Standards:  Number Sense 1.2, 2.3, Algebra and Functions 1.1, Math reasoning 1.1, 3.1

Grand Slam Math  <---play

Students get home runs by deciding which operation and solving word problems.

Standards:Math Reasoning 1.1, 1.2

Count the Money <--play

Students are given a portion of the coins necessary.  They must decide what other coins they need.

Standards:  Number Sense 3.3, 3.4 Mathmatical Reasoning 1.2


Number Top-It

Use Place Value to rank and calculate the LOWEST score.  All computer scores are tallied.

Standards Number Sense 1.2, Math Reasoning 2.2.1

Create a Graph Competition

The directions are online to create a graph in 30 min.  Students are to print graphs and/or email them to their teacher or Mrs. Spang to be entered in schoolwide competition.

Standard: Math Reasoning 2.3


Language Arts Activities

Many Language Arts Stantdards

BBC- Bitesize Literacy <---play all games, all levels

Students explore through games that review the basics of abc order, phonics, rhyming words, spelling, sentence structure, synonyms, pronouns and punctuation.

Standards: all essential language arts grades 1-3.

Concepts About Print

Title Cover Predictions<-- play

This lesson, practice and test identifies the title page as the theme for a book

Standards:  Concepts about Print K1.1

Phonemic Awareness

ABC Bears

Students alphabetize by beginning letters in this cute carnival game.

Clifford's Letter Match

Students place the words into initial letter bags.

Standards:  Phonemic Awareness K1.7


early phonics practice with games, books and movies

Standards:  Phonemic Awareness 1.4-1.9

Picture Match <--choose short vowel sounds to play

Click short vowel sounds to play this fun, visual and auditory match of words with the correct vowel sound.

Standards: Phonemic Awareness 1.5, 1.9,

Words and Pictures

play with long vowel phonemes while you listen to silly poems.

Standards:  Phonemic Awareness 1.1.5, 1.1.8

The Cream Cake Mystery <--- play

Create a poem by adding a rhyming word

Standards:  Reading Comprehension 2.2 (making predictions), Phonemic Awareness 1.9, 1.10

Orson's Farm: Rhyming Words and Beginning Sounds

Students interact with guided lessons

practicing rhyming words and beginning sounds. 

Standards: Phonemic Awareness 1.1.10, 1.1.11, Decoding  1.1.16,

Gus and Inky <--play

This "Ready to Read" website has different chapters that all focus on the fundamentals of reading.  All in a cute, interactive storybook format.

Standards: Phonemic Awareness 1.1.10, 1.1.11, Reading comprehension 1.2.2, 1.2.5

Gawain's Word - This activity introduces initial sounds and blends to word families in a fun crash!

Standards:  Phonemic Awareness 1.7

Word Analysis

Synonyms and Antonyms 

Students work together to match antonynms.  Dictionary is available on computer next door.  Computer gives percentage. 

Standard: Gr 3 Reading Word Analysis 1.2

Decoding and Word Recognition

Spell-It activities <---play

This interactive lesson provides mnemonic devices to help remember and use irregular spelling patterns

Standards:  Decoding and Word Recognition 1.1, Spelling 1.8


300 most frequently used words

1 point per solved puzzle in 10 min

Standards:  Decoding 1.1


Compete against computer and other teams by choosing a monster and coming up with words.  The Bigger the word, the higher the points! It's mind "Boggle-ing"

Standards: Written and Oral Conventions 1.8

Reading Comprehension

The Cream Cake Mystery <--- play

Create a poem by adding a rhyming word

Standards:  Reading Comprehension 2.2 (making predictions), Phonemic Awareness 2.1.9, 2.1.10

Gus and Inky <--play

This "Ready to Read" website has different chapters that all focus on the fundamentals of reading.  All in a cute, interactive storybook format.

Standards: Phonemic Awareness 1.11.10, 1.1.11, Reading comprehension 1.2.2, 1.2.5

Reading Comprehension

These activities are designed to help students respond to 5w questions, sequencing and vocabulary from short passages.

Standard: Gr 3 Reading Comprehension 2.3, 2.4, 2.5

5w's Who wants to be a Millionaire<==play

Students will respond to 5-W questions with 100% accuracy to reach the top

Standards:  Reading Comprehension 3.2.5

Literary Response and Analysis

Tina's World:  Real or Make Believe

Students interact with a guided lesson practicing the difference between real and make believe.

Standards:     Literary Response and Analysis 3.1

Vocabulary and Concept Development

Leo Loves To Spell

Students learn language of categories

Standards:  Vocabulary and concept development K1.7, K1.8

Context Clues Quiz  <----play

Students identify meanings of unknown words in the context of a few sentences.

Standards:  Vocabulary and Concept Development 1.6

Context Clue Basketball  <--- shoot for points in 1 and 2

Students use context clues identify correct verb tense.

Standards:  Vocabulary and Concept Development 1.6, Grammar 1.3


Compete against computer and other teams by choosing a monster and coming up with words.  The Bigger the word, the higher the points! It's mind "Boggle-ing"

Standards: Written and Oral Conventions 1.8

Book Buddy

Identify correct prefixes and suffixes in this multilevel game

Standards:  Vocabulary  and Concept Dev't 1.1.8, 1.1.9

Code Calling Game

Students choose richer vocabulary to encourage greater meaning in context, and enrich their writing.

Standards: Vocabulary and concept Dev't 3.1.6

Written and Oral Conventions

MonkeyBusiness <----play

Put words in order to create a sentence

Standards: Written and Oral Conventions 1.1 Listening and Speaking 1.2

Sentence Clubhouse  <--play

Early Proofread and Edit:  Students decide as a group whether sentence is a statement, question, command or exclamation, and then they edit the sentence correctly to gather pieces of their clubhouse. 

Standards:  Written and Oral English Language Conventions 1.1, 1.6

Penguins on Ice  <---play

Students put words together to make a sentence, add the correct punctuation and use figurative language to make it interesting.

Standards:  Grade 2 Written and Oral Conventions 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6

English Sentences  <---play

Students have 45 seconds to build a sentence.

Standards:  Grade 2 Written and Oral Conventions 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6

Power Proofreading -

Level 3 or 4:  Students can work in groups of 2-3 to edit documents and scores are recorded by the computer.

Standards:  Written Conventions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8

Bitesize Revision <---play

Students practice basic punctuation including quotes.

Standards:  Written and ZOral Conventions 1.4-1.7

BBC- Punctuate the Text <--- play

Students use starts and stops to edit puntuation in given text.

Standards:  Written and Oral Conventions 1.4-1.7

Add Starts and Stops  <---play

Students use starts and stops to edit punctuation in a given text.

Standards:  Written and Oral Conventions 1.4-1.7

Apostrophies <---play for Practice

Apostrophies Quiz  <---play to test


Compete against computer and other teams by choosing a monster and coming up with words.  The Bigger the word, the higher the points! It's mind "Boggle-ing"

Standards: Written and Oral Conventions Spelling 1.8

Paintball Punctuation

students grab tools to help them capitalize and puntuate sentences.

Standards:  Writing Evaluation and Revision 1.10, Written conventions 1.4-1.7


Spell-It activities <---play

This interactive lesson provides mnemonic devices to help remember and use irregular spelling patterns

Standards:  Decoding and Word Recognition 1.1, Spelling 1.8

Listening and Speaking

MonkeyBusiness <----play

Put words in order to create a sentence

Standards: Written and Oral Conventions 1.1 Listening and Speaking 1.2