2.1 Describe people, places, things (e.g., size, color, shape), locations, and actions.
2.2 Recite short poems, rhymes, and songs.
2.3 Relate an experience or creative story in a logical sequence.

Recite |
2.2 Recite short poems, rhymes, and songs.
2.2 Retell stories using basic story grammar and relating the sequence of story events by
answering who, what, when, where, why, and how questions.
2.3 Relate an important life event or personal experience in a simple sequence.
2.4 Provide descriptions with careful attention to sensory detail.

Recite |
2.1 Recite poems, rhymes, songs, and stories.
2.1 Recount experiences or present stories:
a. Move through a logical sequence of events.
b. Describe story elements (e.g., characters, plot, setting).

Formal Speech |
2.2 Report on a topic with facts and details, drawing from several sources of information.
2.1 Make brief narrative presentations:
a. Provide a context for an incident that is the subject of the presentation.
b. Provide insight into why the selected incident is memorable.
c. Include well-chosen details to develop character, setting, and plot.
2.3 Make descriptive presentations that use concrete sensory details to set forth and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences.

Recite |
2.2 Plan and present dramatic interpretations of experiences, stories, poems, or plays with clear diction, pitch, tempo, and tone.
2.1 Make narrative presentations:
a. Relate ideas, observations, or recollections about an event or experience.
b. Provide a context that enables the listener to imagine the circumstances of the event or experience.
c. Provide insight into why the selected event or experience is memorable..

Recite |
2.4 Recite brief poems (i.e., two or three stanzas), soliloquies, or dramatic dialogues, using
clear diction, tempo, volume, and phrasing.

Formal Speech |
2.2 Make informational presentations:
a. Frame a key question.
b. Include facts and details that help listeners to focus.
c. Incorporate more than one source of information (e.g., speakers, books, newspapers,
television or radio reports).
2.3Deliver oral summaries of articles and books that contain the main ideas of the event or article and the most significant details.
2.1 Deliver narrative presentations:
a. Establish a situation, plot, point of view, and setting with descriptive words and
b. Show, rather than tell, the listener what happens.

Formal Speech |
2.2 Deliver informative presentations about an important idea, issue, or event by the following
a. Frame questions to direct the investigation.
b. Establish a controlling idea or topic.
c. Develop the topic with simple facts, details, examples, and explanations.
2.3Deliver oral responses to literature:
a. Summarize significant events and details.
b. Articulate an understanding of several ideas or images communicated by the literary
c. Use examples or textual evidence from the work to support conclusions.
2.1 Deliver narrative presentations:
a. Establish a context, plot, and point of view.
b. Include sensory details and concrete language to develop the plot and character.
c. Use a range of narrative devices (e.g., dialogue, tension, or suspense).

Formal Speech |
2.2 Deliver informative presentations:
a. Pose relevant questions sufficiently limited in scope to be completely and thoroughly
b. Develop the topic with facts, details, examples, and explanations from multiple
authoritative sources (e.g., speakers, periodicals, online information).
2.3 Deliver oral responses to literature:
a. Develop an interpretation exhibiting careful reading, understanding, and insight.
b. Organize the selected interpretation around several clear ideas, premises, or images.
c. Develop and justify the selected interpretation through sustained use of examples and
textual evidence..
2.4Deliver persuasive presentations:
a. Provide a clear statement of the position.
b. Include relevant evidence.
c. Offer a logical sequence of information.
d. Engage the listener and foster acceptance of the proposition or proposal..
2.5Deliver presentations on problems and solutions:
a. Theorize on the causes and effects of each problem and establish connections between
the defined problem and at least one solution.
b. Offer persuasive evidence to validate the definition of the problem and the proposed