Number Sense |
Multiplication Millionaire
Trainer adds score of how many times kids reach a million by using mental math place value to solve up to 3X2 operations using 0's.
Standard: gr 4 Number Sense 3.3 |
Rags to Riches Division:
using mental math, students must work together and earn 100% correct to get the million! |
BBC - converting decimals and fractions <-- click game, or quiz if you're a master player
Students match decimals to equivalent fraction
Standards: Number Sense 1.1 |
Renaming Lowest <---play
Students practice reducing fractions to lowest terms
Standards: Number Sense 2.4 |
Saloon Snap <--- play
Students with click when decimals, fractions and percents are equal.
Standards: Number Sense 1.1 |
Area And Perimeter
Calculate the area and perimeter to earn points
Standards: Number Sense 1.1 |
Decimals, Fractions and Percents Part 2 (Beat all sections by end of year <---play
Students can free play down each column and learn about equivalent fractions, changing fractions, +-mult divide fractions, and calculate percents.
Standards: Number Sese 1.1, 2.1, 2.4 |
Place Value Mats
Each player rolls five alternate colored dice and creates 5-digit number. Then they say it, arrange it on place value mat, and write it. The person with the highest number gets a star.
Standards: Number sense 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, Math Reasoning 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 |
Hands on Center |
The Measure Treasure Hunt (Hands-on water table)
Estimate, experiment and use proportions to calculate measurements
(From cups to inches, students will choose the level of difficulty and discover whether estimations make sense after experimenting and calculating proportions of measurement units.
This can be practiced through website below...
Standard: Number Sense 1.3, Math Reasoning 1.3, 2.7 |
Hands on |
Matching Fractions
Students will put puzzles together that match visual fraction model to it's fraction. 1 Point is given for each correct. BONUS: Students rank 5 fractions from smallest to largest correctly, they can earn an extra 5 points.
Standard: Number Sense 3.3.1
This can be practiced through website below: |
Hands on Center |
Grocery Games
Students work at their own levels (1-3) to choose grocery objects, then add totals, and make change from $1.00, $5.00, $10.00 and $20.00.
Standard gr 3 Number Sense 2.2.8, Algebra and Functions 2.2.1 |
Hands on Center |
Adding Fractions Square
Students are given like and unlike fractions to add with speed and accuracy.
Standards: Gr 5 Number Sense 2.3
Gr 6 Number Sense 2.1 |
Hands on Center |
Place Value Face OFF
Each team is given numbers 1-6 Students choose their own numbers. Starting w/ones, each number gets a chance to play against 1 member of each team.
Teacher reads numbers and have students fill in number correctly on a place value chart up to hundred million. Each player who gets it correct earns a chip. Reading number aloud with accuracy earns another chip.
Standards: gr 5 Number Sense 1.2 |
Hands on Center |
Adding 3 Integers <---play
Students practicing rules of adding integers of different signs in this test template.
Standards: Number Sense 2.2 |
Fraction Frenzy
students begin to see patterns in matching equivalent fractions
Standards: Gr 5 Number Sense 2.1, 2.3, Gr 6 Number Sense 2.4 |
Circus Pairs <-- play fraction match
Students match improper fraction to their correct form
Standards: Gr 5 Number Sense 2.6 |
Draggable division <--- play
With the help of a template, kids divide multi-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers with remainders.
Standards: Gr 5 Number Sense 2.2 |
The Weakest Link <---play
Students battle celebrities to multiply using percentages.
Standards:Number Sense 1.4 |
Substitute variables with numbers and calculate equations of +/-integers.
Standard: Math Reasoning 2.3, Number Sense 2.3 |
Place Value Pirates
Students work toward getting the best score in this fast paced identification of place value to the million(th)
Standards: Gr 5 Number Sense 1.1 |
E-Lab Place Value to 100,000
Students drag the number to correct place value and solve for the correct answer. -1 point per correct answer.
Standards Number Sense 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 |
Number Top-It
Use Place Value to rank and calculate the LOWEST score. All computer scores are tallied.
Standards Number Sense 1.2, Math Reasoning 2.2.1 |
Grid Game <--- play
Students respond to questions using LCM and GCF
Standards: Number Sense 2.4 |
Power Football
Click multiplication and hard to Multiply 3 X 2 digits w/decimals
Standards: Number Sense 2.1 |
Fishy Fraction decimals match
Students work in groups of 2-3 to quickly earn points by matching fraction with correct decimal using mental math. *click fraction decimal match and "maybe later" when asked to register
Standards: Gr 5 Number Sense 1.2, Gr 6 Number Sense 1.1 |
Fraction Frenzy
students develop patterns in matching equivalent fractions
Standards: Gr 5 Number Sense 2.1, 2.3, Gr 6 Number Sense 2.4 |
Builder Ted
Rank numbers from smallest to largest including decimals and integers (beat level 3)
Standards: Gr 6 Number Sense.1.1 |
Fraction Sorter
Click keep score and change shapes and number. Create up to 4 visual fractions and rank them in order. Highest overall score is calculated.
Standards: Number Sense 1.1 |
Divisibility Rules
Use a checklist to practice divisibility rules on large numbers
Standards: Gr 5 Number Sense 2.1, 2.3 |
In this fun bug game, students reach through levels by adding fractions.
Standards: Gr 5 Number Sense 2.1, 2.3
Gr 6 Number Sense 2.1 |
The Digit Work Out
Students try to get the top score in this quick paced fact practice.
Gr 3 - addition or subtraction of numbers to 100
Standard gr 3 Number Sense 2.2.1 |
Mystery Picture game
Students calculate all operations of integers
Standards: Number Sense 2.3 |
Eggs on Legs
Recognize how to move forward and back within a X/Div number sentence
Standards: Number Sense 3.4 |
Flitting With Fractions
Students conceptualize numerator and denominator placement and it's meaning in this cute butterfly game
Standards: Number Sense 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 |
The Weakest Link <---play
Students battle celebrities to multiply using percentages.
Standards:Number Sense 1.4 |
High-Low Fractions
Students use visual fraction model and prediction to decide whether fractions are higher or lower than previous fraction and "gamble" their points to make the best prediction.
Standard: gr 4 Number Sense 1.5, 1.9, Math Reasoning 1.1 |
Statistics, Data
and Probability |
Create a Graph Competition
30 min competition- no rotation
Students create a bar graph out of chosen data.
graph showcase available through
Standard: gr 4 Statistics, Data and Probability 1.0, 1.2,1.3
Standard: gr 3 Math Reasoning 2.3
Algebra And Functions |
Spyguys! <--- click 11. Balancing Equations
This review lesson and questions helps kids conceptualize and understand beginning Algebra concepts.
Standards: Algebra and Functions 1.1, 1.2
/html/math6web/math6shell.html |
Algebra Balance Scales <---play
Students use a scale to perform operations in the correct order.
Standards: Algebra and Functions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 |
Grocery Games
Students work at their own levels (1-3) to choose grocery objects, then add totals, and make change from $1.00, $5.00, $10.00 and $20.00.
Ca$H Out
make change from 1 to 20 dollars, and identify least coins/dollars to get there.
Standard gr 3 Number Sense 2.2.8, Algebra and Functions 2.2.1 |
Hands on Center |
Substitute variables with numbers and calculate equations of +/-integers.
Standard: Math Reasoning 2.3 |
2-step Equation Solver
practice, self check and then test skills by solving for n using all operations
Standards: Algebra and Functions 2,2, 2.3 |
Measurement and Geometry beat all sections by end of year <---play
Students can free play down each column and learn about measurement, area and perimeter, volume and curcumference, Geometry, Shapes. Angles, Reflections and Symmetry.
Standards: Algebra and Functions 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, Measurement and Geometry 1.0, 2.0 |
Evaluating Expressions
evaluate using input/output tables and check.
Standards: Algebra and Functions 1.2 |
ment and Geometry |
Common Conversions
(Students quickly match common conversions of decimal fractions and percents using mental math and calculator). |
Hands on Center |
Cup Capacity -
get the least moves in this matching equivalents game |
3-D Boxes
Students must calculate the volume of 3-D shapes by counting or using formula
Standards: Measurement and Geometry 1.2 |
Volume and Area <---play
Students will use formulas to figure out volume and area of cube, rectangular prism, triangular prism, cylinder, sphere and pyramid.
Standards: Measurement and Geometry 1.2, 1.3 |
Quia Geometry terms <---play
Students match terms with their definitions -- GREAT review of terms
Standards: Measurement and Geometry 1.0, 2.0, 2.1 |
Alien Angles <---play
Students create angles using estimation and must be +/-5 degrees to earn credit.
Standards: Measurement and Geometry 2.1, Math Reasoning 2.6 |
Identify Shapes <---play
Students identify shapes by geometric terms
Standards: Measurement and Geometry 2.3 |
The Measure Treasure Hunt (Hands-on water table)
Estimate, experiment and use proportions to calculate measurements
(From cups to inches, students will choose the level of difficulty and discover whether estimations make sense after experimenting and calculating proportions of measurement units.
This can be practiced through website below...
Standard: gr 3 Measurement 1.1.1 |
Hands on |
Fraction Dominoes
Plays like War 1 player chooses Domino, formulate largest fraction of 2 domino choices, compare to other fractions and visualize the highest fraction in the group. The highest fraction of each round wins!
Standard gr 4 Number Sense 1.5, 1.7, 1.9 |
Hands on |
3-D Shape Lab
students must fill in chart of edges, bases, and vertacies using Geo-solid models.
Standard: Measurement and Geometry |
Hands on |
Change Maker
Students subtract to identify the correct change from $5.00. Change must be given in correct dollar and coin increments. 1 point for each correct. Website keeps score.
Standard: gr 3 Number Sense 3.3.3, 2.5.1 |
Reasoning |
Innovative tools
This is a hands on creative activity that allows children to create futuristic innovative tools for society. Students may use legos, superlegos, magnet blocks, waffle and robotics to create a series of tools.
Science Investigation 6d, Math Reasoning 2.3 |
Hands on |
High-Low Fractions
Students use visual fraction model and prediction to decide whether fractions are higher or lower than previous fraction and "gamble" their points to make the best prediction.
Standard: gr 4 Number Sense 1.5, 1.9, Math Reasoning 1.1 |
Perp Walk - this interactive game requires math logic and reasoning, and reading details to figure out who dunnit.
Standards: Gr 5 Speaking Applications 2.3
Gr 6- Listening and Speaking 1.6 Math Reasoning 1.0, 2.0 |
Operation Snowman
choose the correct operation to simple word programs and build a snowman.
Standard: Gr 3 and Gr 4 Math Reasoning 1.0 |
Math Millionaire <--play
Students will perform algebraic operations or use their math reasoning to solve equations within the context of word problems, where traps are used if students solve problem incorrectly.
Standards: Math Reasoning 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 |
Destination Impossible
Students follow directions using the TIMER to help as many people get to their destination as possible.
The times are recorded. The LOWEST score wins!
Standards: Math Reasoning 2.2.2, 2.2.6 |
Number Top-It
Use Place Value to rank and calculate the LOWEST score. All computer scores are tallied.
Standards Number Sense 1.2, Math Reasoning 2.2.1 |
Budgy Buying
Students reason through multistep word problems involving money.
Standards: Gr 6 Math Reasoning 2.0-2.7 |
Create a Graph Competition
The directions are online to create a graph in 30 min. Students are to print graphs and/or email them to their teacher or Mrs. Spang to be entered in schoolwide competition.
Standard: Math Reasoning 2.3 |
Domino war! Dominos are passed out face down, so each player gets the same amount. Each player flips over one Domino, and creates the highest fraction in lowest terms. The player with the highest fraction receives a star. Part 2- on white boards, all players rank the fractions from smallest to largest.
The teacher also ranks. Players with the correct answer earn a star. Player with the most stars earn a prize.
Standards: Math Reasoning 2.7 |
Hands-On |
Alien Angles <---play
Students create angles using estimation and must be +/-5 degrees to earn credit.
Standards: Measurement and Geometry 2.1, Math Reasoning 2.6 |