"Spang Gang" Survivor Series

(Easy Center-Based Curriculum Ideas)

Requested Areas of Concentration


Gr 3

Volume of 3d shapes

Subtraction with regrouping

Proofread and edit


Place Value

Making Change

Main idea

Addition and Subtraction speed fact review

Equivelent sets of money

Word Problems

Sentence building

Subject and Predicate Agreement


Gr 4  


Prefixes and Suffixes

Ranking Decimals

Converting fractions to decimals

Multiplication and Division speed fact review

Place Value



ABC Order to 3rd letter

Dictionary Guide words

Multiplication Fact Families

Previous Math

Survivor Centers


Hands on: Math

(create easy centers)


3.  Innovative tools

This is a hands on creative activity that allows children to create futuristic innovative tools for society.  Students may use legos, superlegos, magnet blocks, waffle and robotics to create a series of tools. 

Standard: Gr 3  Science Investigation 6d, Math Reasoning 2.3, Reading Comprehension 2.7

Gr 4 Science Investigation 6d, Math Reasoning 2.3

4.  Matching Fractions

Students will put puzzles together that match visual fraction model to it's fraction.  1 Point is given for each correct.  BONUS:  Students rank 5 fractions from smallest to largest correctly, they can earn an extra 5 points.

Standard:  Gr 3 Number Sense 3.3.1

This can be practiced through website below:



3-D Shape Lab-- students must fill in chart of edges, bases, and vertacies using Geo-solid models.

Standard:  Measurement and Geometry

Grade 4 - Fraction Dominoes- Plays like War

1 player chooses Domino, formulate largest fraction of 2 domino choices, compare to other fractions and visualize the highest fraction in the group.  The highest fraction of each round wins!

Standard gr 4 Number Sense 1.5, 1.7, 1.9

Hands on:  Grocery Games

Students work at their own levels (1-3) to choose grocery objects, then add totals, and make change from $1.00, $5.00, $10.00 and $20.00. 

Standard gr 3 Number Sense 2.2.8, Algebra and Functions 2.2.1

Standard gr 4 -- review counting money and making change from gr 2 & 3

Computer: Math

(ready made computer centers)

 Ca$H Out - make change from 1 to 20 dollars, and identify least coins/dollars to get there.



Operation Snowman -- choose the correct operation to simple word programs  and build a snowman.



Standard:  Gr 3 and Gr 4 Math Reasoning 1.0

3-D Boxes

Students must calculate the volume of 3-D shapes by counting or using formula



 Grade 4 High-Low Fractions

Students use visual fraction model and prediction to decide whether fractions are higher or lower than previous fraction and "gamble" their points to make the best prediction.


Standard:  gr 4 Number Sense 1.5, 1.9, Math Reasoning 1.1

4.  Multiplication Millionaire

Trainer adds score of how many times kids reach a million by using mental math place value to solve up to 3X2 operations using 0's. 


Standard:  gr 4 Number Sense 3.3

Grade 3 The Train Game (subtraction)
Step by step regrouping practice with 2-digit by 2-digits

Standards:  Number Sense 2.2.2

6.  Change Maker

Students subtract to identify the correct change from $5.00.  Change must be given in correct dollar and coin increments.  1 point for each correct.  Website keeps score.


Standard:  gr 3 Number Sense 3.3.3, 2.5.1

7.  Bobby Bear

Students will play with probability by discovering how many outfits Bobby can make with different combinations of shirts and pants.  Students should make connection between adding the outfits and bumtiplying the number of shirts to the number of pants to get the total number of outcomes.


Standard:  gr 3 Probability

The Digit Work Out

Students try to get the top score in this quick paced fact practice. 

Gr 3 - addition or subtraction of numbers to 100

Gr 4 multiplication of numbers to 5 or 10



Standard gr 3 Number Sense 2.2.1

Standard gr 4 (review of standard gr 3 Number Sense 2.2.1 (increase speed and accuracy.

E-Lab Place Value to 100,000

Students drag the number to correct place value and solve for the correct answer. -1 point per correct answer.


Standard gr 3 Number Sense 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

Standard gr 4 Number Sense 1.1, 1.2,1.3

 Number Top-It

Use Place Value to rank and calculate the LOWEST score.  All computer scores are tallied.



Standard gr 3 Number Sense 1.2, Math Reasoning 2.2.1

Standard gr 4 Number Sense 1.2, Math Reasoning 2.2.1

Place Value Demo and Quiz

Students learn and practice ranking place value



Standard gr 3 Number Sense 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

Standard gr 4 Number Sense 1.1, 1.2,1.3

  Create a Graph Competition

The directions are online to create a graph in 30 min.  Students are to print graphs and/or email them to their teacher or Mrs. Spang to be entered in schoolwide competition.



5th grade samples


graph showcase available through


Standard: gr 4 Statistics, Data and Probability 1.0, 1.2,1.3

Standard: gr 3 Math Reasoning 2.3

Grade 4:  Builder Ted

Students rank decimals from smallest to largest

Standards:  Gr 6 Number Sense.1.1

Sum Sense Division

Students slide the correct digits into the division equation


Current Challenges

Grade 3

Center A: Paintball Punctuation - Edit errors in capitalization, and punctuation including quotes.



Standards:  Writing Evaluation and Revision 1.10, Written conventions 1.4-1.7

Center B: Womp!  Compete against computer and other teams by choosing a monster and coming up with words.  It's mind "Boggle-ing"

Center C: Hands on Measure Treasure Hunt

Estimate, experiment and use proportions to calculate measurements

(From cups to inches, students will choose the level of difficulty and discover whether estimations make sense after experimenting and calculating proportions of measurement units. 

This can be practiced through website below...



Standard: gr 3 Measurement 1.1.1

Grade 4

Center 1 - Race to Ramses - Identify real words by adding prefixes and suffixes



Standard:  Gr 4 Written Conventions Spelling 1.7

Center 2 - Cup Capacity - get the least moves in this equivalents matching game

Standards:  Writing Evaluation and Revision 1.10, Written conventions 1.4-1.7

Center 3 - Fairground Spells - play various spelling games including finding correct spelled words, prefixes and suffixes.

Standard:  Spelling 1.7, Vocab 1.2-1.6

Center 4- Paintball Punctuation - Edit errors in capitalization, and punctuation including quotes.



Standards:  Writing Evaluation and Revision 1.10, Written conventions 1.4-1.7

Center 5-

Measure Treasure Hunt

Estimate, experiment and use proportions to calculate measurements

(From cups to inches, students will choose the level of difficulty and discover whether estimations make sense after experimenting and calculating proportions of measurement units. 

This can be practiced through website below...



Standard: gr 4 Math Reasoning 2.1-2.4

Center 6 --Womp!  Compete against computer and other teams by choosing a monster and coming up with words.  It's mind "Boggle-ing"

Standard:  Spelling 1.7


Voting "on" 10 min

Class discussion is initiated to explain voting on procedure and students use ballots to vote a member of their team "on" based on character traits listed on back of ballot.  Those students who are voted on enter an individual Survivor competition at the end of the year.


Previous Language Arts

Survivor Centers

Computer:  Language Arts

(ready made computer centers)

300 most frequently used word HANGMAN - 1 point per solved puzzle in 10 min (gr 3)



3.  Reading Comprehension- These activities are designed to help students respond to 5w questions, sequencing and vocabulary from short passages.


Standard: Gr 3 Reading Comprehension 2.3, 2.4, 2.5

4.  Synonyms and Antonyms:  Students work together to match antonynms.  Dictionary is available on computer next door.  Computer gives percentage. 

Standard: Gr 3 Reading Word Analysis 1.2

5.  Power Proofreading - Level 3 or 4:  Students can work in groups of 2-3 to edit documents and scores are recorded by the computer.


Standard:  Gr 3 Written Conventions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8

Standard:  gr 4 Written Conventions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7