Narrated By Verity p.15

Blue Whale



    What animal is bigger than an elephant, bigger even than the biggest dinosaur?  It's the Blue Whale.  Blue Whales are the biggest animals that ever lived.  They grow to be over 100 feet long.  That's one-third the length of a football field.  And they weigh as much as 30 elephants.  A baby whale is bigger than an elephant when it is born!  It takes a long time for a baby to get as big as its mother.    But they have a long time to grow.  Blue Whales may live to be 80 years old or more.

     Blue Whales are not only big, they are strong too.  One time, some hunters thought they had caught a Blue Whale.  Really you might say the whale caught them.  He pulled their 90 foot boat along behind him all day.  And all the while, the boat's engines were going at full force in the opposite direction. 

     It's sad to say, but the Blue Whale has been hunted way too much.  There may be only about 1,000 of these mighty animals left.