In the classroom, I....
Mon AM |
Mon PM |
Tues AM |
Tues PM |
Wed AM |
Wed PM |
Thur AM |
Thur PM |
Fri AM |
PM |

Listen 1st time to my teacher
(follow directions) |
Keep my

to myself |

sit criss cross applesauce on rug |

Stay on the rug through the lesson |

Quiet |
During PE/ Library and working in centers, I
Mon AM |
Mon PM |
Tues AM |
Tues PM |
Wed AM |
Wed PM |
Thur AM |
Thur PM |
Fri AM |
PM |

Listen 1st time to my adults
(follow directions)
Keep my

to myself |

Am a leader by finishing my work |
On the yard, I....
Recess |
Mon Lunch |
Tues Recess |
Tues Lunch |
Wed Recess |
Wed Lunch |
Thur Recess |
Thur Lunch |
Fri Recess |
Lunch |

Go down the slide, not up |
Keep my

to myself |

Keep bike out of sand |

Keep sand in sandbox |
Stay on the playground except for 2 min bathroom 1x |
Tallies On Board
Mon AM |
Mon PM |
Tues AM |
Tues PM |
Wed AM |
Wed PM |
Thur AM |
Thur PM |
Fri AM |
PM |
Box = Warning
3 Tallies in am = benched at morning recess
3 Tallies in pm = benched at lunch recess
4 tallies = missed play center
5 tallies or safety issues = to office